Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an 8-week evidence-based program offering intensive mindfulness training aimed at helping participants to better manage stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. The program was developed by Jon-Kabat Zinn in 1979 for the University of Massachussetts Medical Center and is now taught worldwide by trained professional MBSR teachers.
Confidence Building.
As a participant in this course you will have an opportunity to engage in intensive training in a variety of formal meditation practices that include sitting meditation, lying down meditation, and moving meditation (walking and yoga) as well as informal mindfulness practices like mindful eating and mindful communication. By the end of this course, you will know how to practice meditation on your own, and be able to integrate meditation into your daily life in a flexible and sustainable way.
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction curriculum is rooted in the practical concerns of daily life. Application of what is learned in class to the challenges of day-to-day life is front and center throughout the eight weeks.
The capacity to intentionally pay attention to what is happening moment to moment with an open heart and an open mind is the foundation of self-knowledge and wisdom. As you cultivate a greater capacity for mindfulness, you will begin to relate to yourself, to others, and to challenges differently. You will (re)discover the inner resources for self-care and coping that have been there for you all along.
Summer 2025
Time: Mondays, 6 pm - 8:30 ;m
Dates: June 9 - August 4
Class Retreat: Saturday, July 26
Location: Atlanta Friends Meeting, 701 West Howard Avenue, Decatur
Teacher: Laura Smallwood
Tier 1: $600 (SupportsTiers 3 and 4)
Tier 2: $550 (Base Rate)
Tier 3: $500 (Subsidized)
Tier 4: $400 (Subsidized)
Wondering what to pay or need additional financial assitance? Click HERE.
Class meets weekly for a total of 9 times.
The first meeting is an Orientation session that is required for all particpants.
There is a day long class retreat between Class 6 and 7 that is also required for all participants.
Participants must attend 7 of 8 classes in order to graduate and must make up the missed class by completing a make-up asignment that includes watching the video of the class and sharing reflections about what was learned with the teacher.
Training in Formal Meditation Practice (Body Scan, Sitting Meditation, Walking Meditation, and Yoga)
Stress, coping with stress, and recovering from stress.
Coping with physical pain.
Mindful communication and interpersonal relationships.
Each class will include formal meditation instruction and practice, thematic didactic content, and exploration of themes through group dialogue.
There will be opportunities for sharing and asking questions.
Each class builds on what was introduced in the previous class.
Each class builds on what participants discover through practice and exploration during the week.
Regular class attendance. If you know that you will miss more than one class on the schedule, it is best to take the course at another time. Participation in the Orientation Class and Retreat Class are required.
Daily meditation practice. 45 minutes to one hour of daily meditation practice will be assigned weekly. Recorded guidance will be provided.
Class assignments. These assignments typically require only that you pay attention to aspects of what you are experiencing during the week between classes. In some cases worksheets will be provided to aid in reflection.